
Devotional Page

Devotional Page

Devotional Page

Worries, fear, cares, anxiety-- are all weapons of the enemy against God’s children. They are means of gaining advantage over you.

Did You Know -- Filler Files

It was fate She lost her wedding ring on Galveston Island, TX but Deysi Maldonado was lucky enough to have the Galveston Island Treasure Hunters Club come to the rescue. But, as it turned out, it wasn’t the metal detectors that helped find her band of gold.
Capital Highlights

Capital Highlights

Capital Highlights

Texas House Democrats are urging Gov. Greg Abbott to call a special session to increase public school funding, while Abbott is criticizing them for opposing legislation last year that tied increased funding to his pet project — school vouchers. The Austin American-Statesman reported the Democrats sent a letter, written by Rep. Jon Rosenthal, D-Houston, calling for a 30-day special session focused on both increasing per-student funding and investing more in school safety.

Did You Know? - Filler Files

‘Crawl’ it a win The Cambridge Dictionary defines a pub crawl as “a visit to several pubs, one after the other, having a drink or drinks at each one.” It’s not for the faint of heart. Nonetheless, 69-yearold David Clarkson of Sydney, Australia recently earned a page in the Guinness Book of World Records by “drinking his way” in and out of no less than 120 pubs in 24 hours. How did he do it? According to the Guinness judges: “Each visit had to incorporate a paid transaction for a beverage [non-alcoholic or alcoholic], as well as a minimum of 125 ml [milliliters] of liquid being consumed ... David notes that he consumed 20 litters of liquid in 24 hours, mostly consisting of soft drinks and juices.” En pointe How many tutu-clad ballerinas can fit in the ballroom of New York’s Plaza Hotel? Enough to win the attention of the judges at the Guinness World Record-- 353 ballerinas, to be precise. The young dancers of the Youth America Grand Prix were “en pointe” – on their toes – and won the day and the Guinness prize. The organization’s Sergey Gordeev explained that “the big why of why we’re doing it is to really let the world know that dance is a healing force. Dance is a power that brings us connection at a time when we’re so disconnected.”
Filler Files - Did You Know?

Filler Files - Did You Know?

Filler Files - Did You Know?

Ouch! If you purchased a batch of cookies at the Sis Sweets Cookies & Café in Leavenworth, KS recently beware, you might break a tooth. Proprietor Dawn “Sis” Monroe says she lost a $4,000 diamond that fell from her ring and it just might have wound up in her cookie dough.
State Capitol Highlights

State Capitol Highlights

State Capitol Highlights

‘Aggressive’ hurricane forecast for Gulf Coast Colorado State University researchers are calling this year’s hurricane season forecast “the most aggressive” ever, the Texas Standard reported. They say there is a 54% chance a hurricane will strike the Texas coast, and a 25% chance it will be major.

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, I own a business next door to Tangles Salon in Seminole. I have been so impressed with their service. A large part of their clients are older people and they will walk them out to their cars arm in arm. As we get older sometimes we are limited by driving or walking or both. The owners and staff of Tangles Salon make it possible for older Americans and others to get some things done that give them joy and make them happy…probably even adds a little joy to their lives. It just takes a little extra time and care to give someone joy. More of us should go the extra mile or even just a few steps to put a smile on someone’s face.
Such a Treasure

Such a Treasure

Such a Treasure

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us” (2 Corinthians 4:7). At first glance, this verse is exciting— I remember when I first had revelation of what it meant to have “this treasure” within us.
Tumbleweed Smith New Angles in Taxidermy

Tumbleweed Smith New Angles in Taxidermy

Tumbleweed Smith New Angles in Taxidermy

Wyatt Oakley retired from the fire department in Odessa, then became fire chief in Stamford and retired from that position. Once when he was fishing he caught a beautiful bass and decided to mount it himself.