Miss Madison Petty Honored with Bridal Shower

  • MissMadisonPettywasthehonoreeatabridalshowerheldJuly29,2023atthehomeofKarenJackson. Pictured isthehonoree and hosteses for the event.

    MissMadisonPettywasthehonoreeatabridalshowerheldJuly29,2023atthehomeofKarenJackson. Pictured isthehonoree and hosteses for the event.

    MissMadisonPettywasthehonoreeatabridalshowerheldJuly29,2023atthehomeofKarenJackson. Pictured isthehonoree and hosteses for the event.
Miss Madison Petty, bride-elect of Colton Baca was the honoree at a bridal shower held at the home of Karen Jackson on July 29, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Madison chose a long blush pink dress for the occasion. A balloon arch, welcome sign enscribed with Here's to Forever, a picture of the couple and a beautiful arrangement of bright pink, orange, and white adorned the serving table. Guests enjoyed…

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