Senior Menu

  • Senior Citizens Menu

    Senior Citizens Menu

    Senior Citizens Menu

October 24-28

Mon. - Chicken fajitas, refried beans, saute'ed squash with onions, corn tortillas, pico de gallo, tropical fruit cup, low fat milk.

Tues. - Chopped steak with onions, steamed brown rice, oven fried okra, tossed salad, peaches, oatmeal raisin cookie, whole wheat roll, low fat milk.

Wed. - Roast turkey, broccoli and rice casserole, carrot raisin salad, whole wheat bread, mixed citrus fruit, low fat milk.

Thurs. - BBQ brisket, pinto beans, potato salad, whole wheat roll, cake and ice cream, low fat milk.

Fri. - Battered fish wedges, pork and beans, creamy country slaw, lemon pie, tartar sauce, hush puppies, low fat milk.