The Seagraves Public Library

  • The Seagraves Public Library

    The Seagraves Public Library

    The Seagraves Public Library
  • The Seagraves Public Library had an adult reading program called 'Be Our Reading Valentine. Andrea Martinez (left) was the winner of the grand prize basket and Karla Nino (right) was the winner of Guess the Pages jar and she guessed exactly right with 374 pages. (Contributed photo).

    The Seagraves Public Library had an adult reading program called 'Be Our Reading Valentine. Andrea Martinez (left) was the winner of the grand prize basket and Karla Nino (right) was the winner of Guess the Pages jar and she guessed exactly right with 374 pages. (Contributed photo).

    The Seagraves Public Library had an adult reading program called 'Be Our Reading Valentine. Andrea Martinez (left) was the winner of the grand prize basket and Karla Nino (right) was the winner of Guess the Pages jar and she guessed exactly right with 374 pages. (Contributed photo).
The Seagraves Public Library had an adult reading program called "Be Our Reading Valentine. Andrea Martinez (left) was the winner of the grand prize basket and Karla Nino (right) was the winner of Guess the Pages jar and she guessed exactly right with 374 pages.

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